CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 TEDxYouth@Sapporo

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 TEDxYouth@Sapporo

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 TEDxYouth@Sapporo

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 TEDxYouth@Sapporo

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 TEDxYouth@Sapporo
LEBECCA boutique Brand Director Eru Akazawa spoke at TEDxYouth@Sapporo 2019 held at PORTO, Hokusho University Northern Regions Academic Information Center in Sapporo, Japan.
Eru Akazawa is the director of the brand in Harajuku, Tokyo. From her original experience gained as a brand director and her past, she talks about, "How a person who has nothing finds something to make life worth living. How someone who has it can make the most of it".
札幌市の北翔大学北方圏学術情報センターPORTOで開催されたTEDxYouth@Sapporo 2019にLEBECCA boutiqueブランドディレクター(当時)の赤澤えるが登壇しました。
In parallel with TEDxYouth@Sapporo 2019 representative duties, I served as the main curator for Eru Akazawa, curating, idea mining, speech elaboration, and acting coaching.
TEDxYouth@Sapporo 2019代表業務と並行して、赤澤えるのメインキュレーターとしてキュレーション、アイデアマイニング、スピーチ推敲、演技指導を行いました。
Speaker: Eru Akazawa
Main Curator: Asuka Ishii
Assistant Curator: Takeru Hirashima, Reia Kuronuma
Organizer: TEDxYouth@Sapporo