Exhibition at SFC芸術祭2023, July. 2023

Exhibition at SFC芸術祭2023, July. 2023

Exhibition at SFC芸術祭2023, July. 2023

Exhibition at SFC芸術祭2023, July. 2023
The work "*Photographs are images" contrasts images generated by Stable Diffusion, one of the image generation AI models, with photographs taken and edited to imitate them. In this work, "Enoshima," a typical tourist attraction, was input to the AI, and the generated images were photographed on the actual Enoshima Island.
Each place has things and atmosphere that remind us of the place. There is the ocean, blue sky, shrine, and lights. The "easily recognizable features" that are common in tourist spots are the flip side of our desire to consume the place in this way. On the other hand, there are times when, while walking through a place, one suddenly feels a sense of its character. The number of tourists, the narrowness of an alley, or a large tourist information board (......) may be noisy "hard-to-understand features" that are not the target of a camera, but they are elements of a place's character.
AI-generated images do not capture reality, but are another meta-image that reflects information from the vast amount of images of reality, both consciously and unconsciously latent in them. The AI-generated images are precipitating our desires, or what we are unconsciously pulled to.
In fact, with Enoshima, AI can cause a divergence from reality, or conversely, it can pick up on some aspects of reality. Red architecture, blue sea, smiling faces, trees, slightly unnatural poses, high color saturation ...... Comparing the "image" visualized by AI with a photo of reality that comes as close as possible to it, there are both overly staged aspects and similarities that one would not notice without comparison. When we compare the "image" visualized by AI with the real photograph that comes as close as possible to it, we find that there are both overly staged parts and similarities that we would not notice without comparison.
Each place has things and atmosphere that remind us of the place. There is the ocean, blue sky, shrine, and lights. The "easily recognizable features" that are common in tourist spots are the flip side of our desire to consume the place in this way. On the other hand, there are times when, while walking through a place, one suddenly feels a sense of its character. The number of tourists, the narrowness of an alley, or a large tourist information board (......) may be noisy "hard-to-understand features" that are not the target of a camera, but they are elements of a place's character.
AI-generated images do not capture reality, but are another meta-image that reflects information from the vast amount of images of reality, both consciously and unconsciously latent in them. The AI-generated images are precipitating our desires, or what we are unconsciously pulled to.
In fact, with Enoshima, AI can cause a divergence from reality, or conversely, it can pick up on some aspects of reality. Red architecture, blue sea, smiling faces, trees, slightly unnatural poses, high color saturation ...... Comparing the "image" visualized by AI with a photo of reality that comes as close as possible to it, there are both overly staged aspects and similarities that one would not notice without comparison. When we compare the "image" visualized by AI with the real photograph that comes as close as possible to it, we find that there are both overly staged parts and similarities that we would not notice without comparison.
The image is generated as an "image" before reality and the photograph is imitated after it. Between the two, we consider our desire for images and our unconsciousness.
「※写真はイメージです」は、画像生成AIモデルの一つであるStable Diffusionを用いて生成した画像と、それらを模倣して撮影、編集した写真を対比させた作品である。本作品では、代表的な観光地である”Enoshima”をAIに入力、生成した画像に対し、実際の江ノ島で撮影を行なった。
For this work, I provided concept, image generation, location scouting (exploration of similar locations based on generated images), still photography, editing, and exhibition construction.
Award / Exhibition / Conference
・[Exhibition] SFC芸術祭2023 (2023.7.1-2023.7.2 at 慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパス)
・[Exhibition] 【 / 】 (2023.10.13-2023.10.18 at 新宿眼科画廊)
・[Award / Exhibition] 日テレイマジナリウムアワード 2023 Bronze Medal (MOTアニュアル extra - 2023.12.9-2024.3.3 at 東京都現代美術館, Tokyo, Japan - 映像展示のみ)
・[Conference / Exhibition] Machine Learning for Creativity and Design - NeurIPS 2023 Workshop : Artwork Accepted
・[Award / Exhibition] 第29回学生CGコンテスト アート&ニューメディア部門: ファイナリスト [※写真はイメージです]
Asuka Ishii + Kazuki Nagata