Exhibition at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Nov. 2022

Exhibition at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Nov. 2022

Exhibition at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Nov. 2022

Exhibition at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Nov. 2022

Exhibition at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Nov. 2022
Onomato Karuta is a game in which players listen to animal sounds and try to guess their non-native onomatopoeic expressions through playing karuta. Through this game, the aim is to have the players feel the similarities and differences between the actual sounds and the onomatopoeic sounds.
For each animal sound heard, the player turns over the corresponding karuta card. The karuta has the onomatopoeia of the sound shown in English pronunciation, and the player selects a karuta while thinking about the difference between Japanese, English, and the actual sound of the sound. When a correct answer is given for a karuta card, the onomatopoeia of the animal's call is shown on the display in various languages.
For each animal sound heard, the player turns over the corresponding karuta card. The karuta has the onomatopoeia of the sound shown in English pronunciation, and the player selects a karuta while thinking about the difference between Japanese, English, and the actual sound of the sound. When a correct answer is given for a karuta card, the onomatopoeia of the animal's call is shown on the display in various languages.
Onomato Karutaは、動物の鳴き声を聞き、自らの母国語でないオノマトペでの表現をカルタ遊びを通して推測するゲームである。このゲームを通して、実際の音とオノマトペの音との間の共通性と差異を感じてもらうことを目的としている。
In this work, I was in charge of survey, concept design, and implementation related to onomatopoeia. In the implementation part, we used TouchDesigner and OpenCV to recognize the AR markers printed on the cards with a camera and determine the correctness of the flipped cards and the state of the cards on the field.
Award / Exhibition / Conference
・[Exibition] 慶應義塾大学SFC Oppen Research Forum 2022 (2022.11.20-2022.11.20 at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus)
Asuka Ishii
Sota Miwa
Shuhei Nomura
Masashi Nakatani