Exhibition at TIERS GALLERY, Sep. 2021

Exhibition at TIERS GALLERY, Sep. 2021

Exhibition at Tama Art University Bureau, Jan. 2022

Exhibition at Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Feb. 2022

Exhibition at Tama Art University Bureau, Jan. 2022

Exhibition at Fukuoka Art Museum, Mar. 2022

Exhibition at Fukuoka Art Museum, Mar. 2022

Exhibition at Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Feb. 2022

Exhibition at Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Feb. 2022

Exhibition at Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Feb. 2022

Exhibition at Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Feb. 2022

Exhibition at Intercommunication Center, Sep. 2022

Exhibition at Intercommunication Center, Sep. 2022

Exhibition at Intercommunication Center, Sep. 2022
Compressed ideographs -visualized- is a work that explores new ways of creating symbols through technology in order for ideographs to have a writing system that can adapt to the diversification of words and meanings.
In recent years, values have become increasingly complex and diverse. For example, previously discrete concepts such as gender and race (superficial diversity), work and language (deep diversity) have become continuous. However, they (concepts that exist between dots) can only be described by finite combinations of existing Chinese characters, and there is no unique symbol that can accurately represent them.
In this work, ideographs are generated by deep learning. The AI model DALL_E, which generates images from text, learns pairs of Chinese characters and sentences describing their meanings, and compresses any sentence input by the audience into a single Chinese character. Visualization is then performed by placing the existing Chinese characters in a space that corresponds to their meanings and locations, and displaying information about the generated ideographs.
Through this work, we attempt to contemplate the nature of letters and symbols by generating ideographs specific to each concept input by the audience, rather than using conventional combinations of existing characters.
In recent years, values have become increasingly complex and diverse. For example, previously discrete concepts such as gender and race (superficial diversity), work and language (deep diversity) have become continuous. However, they (concepts that exist between dots) can only be described by finite combinations of existing Chinese characters, and there is no unique symbol that can accurately represent them.
In this work, ideographs are generated by deep learning. The AI model DALL_E, which generates images from text, learns pairs of Chinese characters and sentences describing their meanings, and compresses any sentence input by the audience into a single Chinese character. Visualization is then performed by placing the existing Chinese characters in a space that corresponds to their meanings and locations, and displaying information about the generated ideographs.
Through this work, we attempt to contemplate the nature of letters and symbols by generating ideographs specific to each concept input by the audience, rather than using conventional combinations of existing characters.
Compressed ideographs -visualized-は,表意文字(1字1字が一定の意味を表す文字, ideographs)が語と意味の多様化に順応した文字体系を持つために,テクノロジーによって新たな記号の作り方を模索する作品である.
In this work, I was responsible for the implementation of deep learning to generate Kanji images from input sentences. Please see Information for technical details. I also produced the videos for version1 and version2.
本作品では、入力文から漢字画像を生成する深層学習の実装を担当しました。技術的な詳細についてはInをご確認ください。また、version1, version2の動画制作を行いました。
Award / Exhibiton / Conference
・[Exibition] 慶應義塾大学SFC 徳井直生研究室 CCLab Exhibition 2021 Alternative Dimension (2021.9.23-2021.9.27 at Tiers Gallery, Tokyo, Japan)
・[Exhibition] TUB第12回企画展「Visible x Invisible ──ビッグデータと次世代の情報表現」 (2022.1.28-2022.2.12 at Tama Art University Bureau, Tokyo, Japan)
・[Award / Exhibition] Yamanashi Media Arts Award 2021 Y-SILVER(優秀賞) (2022.2.3-2022.2.6 at Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Yamanashi, Japan)
・[Award / Exhibition] Asia Digital Art Award 2021 General Category Interactive Arts Finalists' Award (2022.3.8-2022.3.13 at Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan)
・[Exhibition] MUSES EX MACHINA - AIが映し出す人と創造性の未来 at ICC アニュアル 2022 生命的なものたち (2022.6.25-2022.9.11 at NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC] )
Direction, Machine learning, Visual programming: Scott Allen
Machine learning, Visual programming: Keito Takaishi
Machine learning, Video: Asuka Ishii
Machine learning, Visual programming: Kazufumi Shibuya
Visual programming: Yuma Matsuoka
Sound: Atsuya Kobayashi
Support(ver1, 2): Muhan Li
Technical advice: Nao Tokui
Thanks: Keio University SFC Computational Creativity Lab (Nao Tokui Lab)
Machine learning, Visual programming: Keito Takaishi
Machine learning, Video: Asuka Ishii
Machine learning, Visual programming: Kazufumi Shibuya
Visual programming: Yuma Matsuoka
Sound: Atsuya Kobayashi
Support(ver1, 2): Muhan Li
Technical advice: Nao Tokui
Thanks: Keio University SFC Computational Creativity Lab (Nao Tokui Lab)
Thanks(video - 1st edition):
Soshi Yamaguchi (Sound equipment cooperation)
Momokan (Cast)
Soshi Yamaguchi (Sound equipment cooperation)
Momokan (Cast)
Thanks(video - 2nd edition):
Haruka Komano (Cast)
Tama Art University Bureau
Haruka Komano (Cast)
Tama Art University Bureau